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Old 04-06-10, 12:13 AM   #1
Samurai Navy
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Default Some Sub Command Questions

Ok, I just spent an hour on the first Halifax campaign mission in the Akula before quitting.

Everything appeared to be going ok, detected a few merchant's and an American Newport LST, my narrowband automatically classified it as a Newport and I was able to confirm this with a very quick periscope peek.

My questions are as follows:

When you get a classification that the game seems to pick for you in the narrowband sonar screen, is the first classification usually right or just a general classification to give you an idea of what you're up against?

Also, I got a 688 submarine classification showing up on my narrowband sonar display, but I couldn't appear to find him on the broadband sensor's, there did appear to be a very slight blip for about 2 seconds in his direction, then it dissapeared, yet when I went back to the narrowband and roated the sensor round to about 035, I instantly got a classification of a 688 submarine.

There was also a Ticonderoga out there too, also classified on the narrowband that I couldn't seem to find on the broadband sensors, and then their was ASDIC pinging that eventually began. Problem is, I don't know if the pinging was coming from the 688 sub or the Ticonderoga, or if I had even been detected....does your crew tell you when you have been detected? Or is the fact they're pinging mean they KNOW you are there?

Sub Command is very in depth, defo has a steep learning curve but its really enjoyable

Any answers to my questions are greatly appreciated guys
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