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Old 04-05-10, 03:46 AM   #8
Join Date: Apr 2010
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I totally agree and sympathize with all of your comments. It does seem as though Ubisoft relies on the modding community to finish their SH products. Its bad business. Since the release of SH3 the genre has needed massive modding overhauls in order to be half-assed playable.
I paid the retail price for SH5 and like most who did, I was immediately disappointed. I agree, if Ubisoft is going to release a subsim(?) that is 1/3 finished then they should be charging 1/3 the price. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I hope Ubisoft hasn't torpedoed the entire genre by disillusioning their very unique fanbase.
The fact remains though, I and many others have paid the full price and for me, at least, there is no sense crying over spilled milk. SH5 is, as far as I know, the only current u-boat sim available. If there were any other viable options in the submarine genre to choose from the story would be different. But as it stands, this is what we have to work with for now.
Id still like to think there are enough others out there who also own the game, who think it stands a fighting chance, and who want a change from the older SH releases. Lets move forward and in the spirit of the real u-boat crews, lets have a little faith and create victories out of the most adverse conditions. To hell with Ubisoft.
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