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Old 04-05-10, 02:31 AM   #3
Sea Lord
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I'm not bothered by drm, bugs but.. by how casual this game it is. I just can't play it anymore, it's mega boring. Go there, sink that, refill. That's the SH5 campaign mode. Nothing hard nor exciting and the only thing that kept me playing was the graphics.

When I heard about the drm and that you actually have to be online to play, I was thrilled. I said.. oke, if all who play this will be online then there must be a strong multiplayer option... yay. Again, a major disappointment, the MP part is a joke, maybe the worst part in SH5.

As most of the people here said, this game may be enjoyable in 6 months or so, after few patches and some hardcore moding. Now, is a fail boat. Boring and casual, filled with bugs, and no MP. It has the potential to become something cool, but that's because the great community and moders, not because the developers.
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