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Old 04-04-10, 05:59 PM   #68
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: On dry land, in Copenhagen
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Hi Nisgeis!

Well, I just had quite a scare thanks to your mod.

I was attacking a small convoy in the Celtic Sea (3 large steamers and 2 DD's).

I had 2 fish left and hit a steamer with one of them (fired from about 2000 m out), which eventually sank.

Visibility was rather poor thanks to rain, stormy winds and medium fog, so I thought I could easily escape on the surface like I was used to (thanks to the short-bus AI). This time it didn't go as planned. Both DD's closed range immediately after the torp hit and when they were within ca. 2500m they opened fire, forcing me to dive. Then all hell broke loose.

I didn't count the number of depth charges but I know they attacked me for 1 hour and 45 minutes, constantly losing track of me and reacquiring.

Unfortunately I had external view off so I was unable to see details of their maneuvering and whether spiral search worked properly or not, but I do know their ASDIC worked like a charm. It felt a bit random if they both used active sonar or only one of them while the other listened but one of them frequently stayed still while the other was charging around and pinging me. I was on the verge of "giving up" by deciding to change thermal layer back to have an effect, but I'm glad I didn't.

This was a harrowing experience of the cat-and-mouse game, and only sonar lines on the map (I use the mod to remove sensor circles around contacts) saved me.

Those damn electric motors got fixed up and damaged about 3 times!

Of course this was just a single experience in my new campaign. Maybe I was just unlucky to bump into a couple of veteran DD's, but I must say this is the most fun I've had since I bought this game.
The above are my current opinion and are liable to change according to mood, time of day, degree of sleep deprivation endured, caffeine intake and/or level of inebriation.
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