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Old 04-04-10, 05:04 AM   #3
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"Clear the Bridge: The War Patrols of the USS Tang" - by her Captain, Richard O'Kane

Others will undoubtedly recommend "Thunder Below" by the Captain of the USS Barb, Eugene Fluckey. I HATED it (for what that's worth) Granted, Fluckey was a talented, innovative, and highly successful skipper, but his writing style and apparently over-the-top ego was simply grating! One would think he alone was responsible for the Allies winning the war in the Pacific! By the way, every quoted conversation in the book begins with the author addressing, or being addressed, by first name, as in, "Gene, I believe I'll go to the head." "Ralph, I think you should not forget to flush." "Gene, I've been to the head before and never forgotten to flush!" "Ralph, I suspect you're lieing to me and a, 'masting' will inevitably be the result. "Herb, assemble the men to witness punishment!" "Gene, aye aye!" ---- ad nauseum

"Fortunes of War: U-boat Commander" - Gunther Prien
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