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Old 03-30-10, 03:11 PM   #511
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Hardware and Performance

Zee Thanks very much for the reply - I will await your test with interest. Radeon cards seem the best Value currently.
Frinik you can hide behind my smoking wreckage for cover when we advance, my 'A' driver might be more a problem than the HE shells though!!
My FPS range from (momentarily) as low as 7 or 8 to as high as upper 30's (say 38FPS) and only become really noticeable when I am traversing the turret as gunner on fast (i.e. keyboard not the mouse) control. Oddly there seems to be no direct correlation between units/action and FPS slowdown consistently. When I say that (consistently) I mean yes sometimes in the thick of heavy action I get slowdown (as you could expect) but there again sometimes when I expect to get slowdown in another heavy (well it seems to me!!) action then the FPS is much higher.
Obviously there are other factors unseen that are giving the hardware "a hit" but I cannot distinguish accurately what it is.
I do hope it's as playable as ZW's excellent modded missions to date, as they are manageable (so far) and perfectly playable on this CPU and GPU.
Keep Lc out of the villages he'll be scouting for female companions while we act as heavy artilliary magnets

Over and out Mort
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