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Old 03-28-10, 12:44 PM   #6
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Default Critic Flotation

Very nice Audessy! I have one thing to add to your list regarding Critic Flotation, from an excellent post by Der Teddy Bear about the mechanics of NYGM Ship Damage Mod here.

Critic Flotation is a percentage of a compartment's HP, that tells you how much damage it can take before it starts to flood. So if a compartment has 200 HP, with Critic Flotation=0.3 that compartment won't start to flood until it has received 60 damage. The more damage over 60 it receives, the faster it floods (also depending on the FloodingTime).

I'm going to use this to try to achieve your "sink by flooding" effect by having compartments flood, as this is more intuitive than having equipment flood. Set each compartment to e.g. 10000 HP so it can't be destroyed, but set Critic Flotation to e.g. 0.005 so that it floods when it takes 50 damage.
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