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Old 03-28-10, 09:31 AM   #45
Ocean Warrior
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Thanks for the feedback. The enemy AI won't get better, but the sensors they use will (I think), which will make their searches more effective. When they get radar they will get much harder. There's also no way to see what the date is, so you can't implement strategies as they became used historically, but what you could do is to restrict certain strategies to elite or very good AI and then modify the levels of escorts in the campaign by date. I'm not sure if changing their level changes how effective their sensors are though (on a non scripting level). I don't think they should be very good at finding you early war, especially if you are on the surface at night.

Originally Posted by NoLine View Post
I had a look at these scripts and noticed some mistakes which might mean the scripts dont run at all

Hi NoLine, thanks for the suggestion. I tried what you suggested and it made no difference. I think the problem is that the aircraft we are seeing eraly on simply don't have bombs or torpedoes.

I can't get airplanes to attack with cannon. I can get them to circle you, make dummy bomb runs on you and other things, but they will only fire if they are flying directly at you. This will work with aircraft that have nose turrets, but not things like spitfires or swordfish, which have fixed guns. So that was a bit of a waste of time. I think the main problem is that the planes in SH4 didn't attack without bombs either - they'd attack and just fly off when they had no more bombs, so planes never strafed there either. There's no scripting to make strafing with cannon work. The scripting for aircraft seems to be very limitted, unless I'm missing something.
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Last edited by Nisgeis; 03-28-10 at 09:54 AM.
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