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Old 03-24-10, 01:03 PM   #7
Capn Kirk
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did my first patrol. managed to change the settings ok

couldnt really tell if RSRD was on. Although when i sailed past Midway there was a lot of ships in port or thereabouts maybe 20 ish at least.p

Anyway mission was head to Honshu. I sail to Midway - refuel and head onwards. I come across 2 jap fishing boats and think hrmm practice MTS time. Unfortunately i fired 3 torpedos and they all missed lol. Bit too nimble they were so i took them out with the deck gun.

I eventually get to the rendezvous point and HQ/COMSUB tell me to start attacking any jap shipping i find. I sink a couple of lone merchant ships and im thinking where is the juicy convoys when i get a radio bearing from HQ of a convoy just south of me (tho outside contact range) so i set myself into position. basically right in front of the convoy.

Convoy turns out to be 2 destroyers escorting a troop transport. tbh i cheat a little here because i go silent and down periscope and use the external view to help my position and when to attack.
I let the destroyer go past me and wait a bit then up periscope and start taking readings on the troop transport (the window of opportunity is small before it goes past) i need to be quick.

Unfortunately for me - the water is very rough indeed jeez! It was incredibly difficult to keep a bearing on the troop transport coz i couldnt see it due to the waves! Anyway eventually i manage to configure a solution that sinks it with 3 or 4 torps (only took 3 reloads ) In my defence i really only had once chance to sink it and if i missed it i'd be too late.
So i got it - crash dive because the destroyers sirens were blaring and their searchlights were out looking for me. Oh yeah i forgot to mention it was the dead of night!

I actually saved after i took out the troop transport and tried to take out one of the destroyers but i gave up because they were very very fast and were able to dodge my torpedos. Best i got was 1 hit from 4 torps. i think my main problem is i was basically fighting the ships from around 500 - 600 ish metres too close!

Back to Pearl i go (prolly have to stop at midway to refuel)
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