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Old 03-20-10, 01:06 PM   #452
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Default no DC's

I'm having a problem similar to Camero, only more consistent... I've played a total of four war patrols in two separate campaigns (US 1941) with RFB 2.0 + patch, and have never been depth charged a single time. The DD's hear me just fine, come charging over pinging, then circle around, passing right above me over and over, without ever dropping any charges. Eventually I realized that I could run around at flank speed at periscope depth, loading torpedos and taking potshots at aircraft carriers, as if the DD's weren't even there. One of them actually ran into my periscope once while I was ignoring them, but again dropped no charges.

If I surface the escorts DO engage me with their guns (although their aim sucks big time), but under ten feet of water I am invincible.

Is there a fix for this? I have a clean 1.5 install with RFB 2.0 + patch as the only mod.
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