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Old 02-28-10, 05:31 AM   #183
SeaWolf U-57
Ace of the Deep
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Sighting of another U-boat

I have continued to play this marvellous Supermod SH3 Add-on through out the mayhem of the impending release of SH5.
And I must say that I am still finding things that make you stand up and take notice of the outstanding quality of the added game play that this mod adds to SH3.
To give you an example of this today I was up early and had nothing to do so I decided to play SH3 for an hour I docked last night at the MarineHilfsschiff "Gelting" ( I think that is what it is called) so I set course to square BF18 and what do you know straight into the path of a convoy which I attacked as I always do engaging the warships first to clear the way to the merchant ship as it is still early war I can use the deck gun on them.
I had taken position behind the convoy to attack the second to last warship contact which happened to be a corvette so it had to be a surface skimmer to hit it which I did I started the attack using the Deck gun on the merchants as the last Warship was running parallel to the convoy but not closing so I assumed it must be another U-Boat shadowing the convoy as in the GXW Mod.
Once I had sunk the last of the convoy I decided to go and say hello to my fellow U-boat captain so I set course towards the contact but I had no visible contact with the sound contact so I closed within 500 metres and went to periscope depth and at about 50 meters there it was a VIIB at periscope depth I have not come across another sub below the surface before so this was a really nice thing to see and I watch her disappear into the murky gloom of the green water of the Atlantic.

Very well done
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