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Old 02-22-10, 09:12 PM   #387
Electrician's Mate
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Originally Posted by MetalMania View Post
Haven't been around here (even lurking) in a while, but I'm getting the sub sim bug again so figured I'd see what's up. It said I'm an "Action Oriented Subsim Skipper". I didn't post the whole reply but I was a little surprised. I'd be the first to tell you I'm definitely not hardcore, but I've honestly never even tried Battlestations Midway and Steel whatever it was that the result listed. Yeah, I use auto targeting in SH4. Scoff at me if you want, I prefer to think of it as having a really good tracking party.
Metal Mania,

For me, no problem at all. Since you are playing the game and enjoying it, be welcome to use auto targeting any day! The important thing is that you are here with us!
I won't say nothing until SHVI comes out... good thing subskippers are known for their patience...

"On the ship sinking business since 1996"
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