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Old 02-22-10, 06:23 PM   #2243
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Originally Posted by Galanti View Post
I almost broke off my run on a Norwegian Hog Islander last night, then I reasoned that it was March, 1940, well after the Altmark incident and war with Norway was imminent. I had earlier abandoned an attack on an American tanker.

I guess you can roleplay it that way, or perhaps print out a list of nations and there entry into the war, or perhaps use this mod:

thank you, I will use that.

I am having some strange times in this mod at the moment.

mission one lots of ships, hell of a lot of RAF planes, 5 sinkings all merchant.

Mission 2 made my way into Scapa Flow and sank a Battle Cruiser. on my way out I mounted a sub net and took a daft amount of damage considering I was doing 1knot. and also surprised myself as I came in that way... they must have errected the net quickly lol.

Saw nothing on the way to the north of England, bumped into a task force in the North West moving far too quickly for me to intercept with was a shame, 3 cruisers no escorts.

After 10 days on patrol I headed home again north of England ( I learned my lesson about going through the channel on my first mission) and the next ship I saw was a Merchant. so in 15 days or so I saw next to nothing.

As for that merchant.... 3 direct hits below the engine comparment, and for once all 3 torps worked ( I hate duds!) 1 hour later nothing happened.

Surfaced and put 100 shells into it.

turned my back on her and put one more fish in her.

put another 40 shells into it.

It eventually sank, but you have to credit the ppl who build her my sub breaks in two if we drop our binoculars on the deck, that merchant was outstanding.

The one worthwhile target I saw other than the Battle Cruiser was of course American, as it is 1939 I let her go.

Well out for patrol 3, will be bringing in the new year at sea.
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