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Old 02-21-10, 07:25 PM   #2236
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Do not load SMA mines in Uboats other than Type VIID
Do not load SMA mines in the forward tubes of “any” Uboat


I gave up on SHIV Ages ago as the pacific and a few minor flaws put me off, and just recently re installed SHIII to get my sub fix again, only to find out i have a memory leak, cant load saves (ever under any circumstances) and various random crashes.

so I headed back to the stable but boring SHIV, only to find this mod.

Can't tell you how much I love it!!! A+ Really loving SHIV now and still getting my type 7 fix

Stuck a mine in the nose of one to test it lol. I will read instructions next time however.

Love the new kinds of ships, and designations, have no clue how the damage model works but it "feels" right, and has me wasting torps left right and centre for more realistic tonnages.

Hate the RAF with a passion, but it also feels right, barely above the surface during daytime now, and I hate the run south of england as im constantly forced under by Blenheims, but again feels just right.

I have not read any documentation on this, mines for example lol, so I guess I have a lot to learn.

I do have one question though, do I lose any subs to make way for the new ones ? or are they additional models ?

really going to put some time into this game, get my first patrol out the way and get back to base and get rid of that mine

so far i got 2 ships, had a dud torpedo and claimed around 11K, had to finish them both on the surface with the deckgun, and run from the RAF shortly after wards both times.

Ah thats one thing, I would rather not attack "neutrals" and I did read there are no true neutrals in this mod, but is there a simple way of knowing who i should and should not be attacking ? I think I already claimed a Dutch ship (oops) and just broke off an attack run on a Norweigan ship too.
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