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Old 02-09-10, 10:54 AM   #23
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Wish list for TvsT

Hello Zeewolf and Frinik some of this you've seen before from others.

My wish list if ZeeWolf can possibly (and kindly) incorporate in the sim is:

1. Artillary strikes (not sure if random is possible) but maybe triggered by a % of enemy/friendlies advancing.

2. Although I have doubts about aircraft behaviour (i.e. they seemed to be put in for window dressing and if programmed to do too much will give a CPU/GPU hit possibly?), but either airstikes on foreward positions or strafing columns (of either side) would be nice.

3. Controlling wingmen - again nice if simple controls can be achieved like - advance retreat - stop but have doubts if possible.

4. As you have all said, a crew bailout would be nice.

5. Agree with Frinik, several times I have tried "tree removal" with HE so I can get clear shot sometimes it works mostly it doesn't and I waste mmo. So a damage model increase for moving more mud or firewood would be excellent.

6. Infantry behaviour, all real engagements feature combined elements like soldiers supporting their tank force when advancing. Be nice to see a large contingent (depending on good FPS - if possible) of troops advancing with tanks sometimes. It would be good to see after a battle troops of either side surrender when possibly triggered by % loss of respective armour/troops/equipment.
Russians would expend large numbers of soldiers often as cannon fodder so a large advance of troops would be brilliant.

7. I don't know how difficult it would be to introduce weather effects like rain or snow.
Snow would be brilliant with (yes another wish) winter landscape.
I realise this has been mentioned before and outside scope of Kursk, but would be awesome for a full 12 month year round campaign possibility.

8. A long range mission (if any are created in future) would be fantastic if fuel consumption were modelled and a refuel capacity (fuel bowser) available. I know I'm pushing my luck now now ZeeWolf!!!!HAR
but offered for an aditional option. I mean you wouldn't like it if we
weren't interested now would you.
Don't know what is practically possible with this sim but best of wishes to ZeeWolf and I await his works with great interest. My fear is not enough members to keep ZeeWolf in operation for all these wishes and of course time is a big factor. No good chasing Dragons because you (Zee) can only do what is practicable at the end of the day.
Best Wishes and Respect Mort
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