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Old 01-27-10, 09:44 PM   #191
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I know what you mean but I would use a term other than 'non-Combat' , considering everyone in the boat suffers the same threats whether you are shoving a torp in a tube or flipping a pancake in the galley.

I actually thought the Phm was the better 'mesher' of the supporting cast. I must tell you, however, that I'm still simulating them. I stick 3 extras in the damage control slots before I sail. Cook, Yoeman and (now) a Phm wannabe with no skill.

I got strafed once and lost lookouts. The gang of three had to pull double duty and I was glad I had them.

Of course, what the crew management system needs is a required crew rotation between patrols, so many have to go and you get new faces.

Any way of adding the CO into a crew slot? Could add a slight RPG aspect into the game.
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