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Old 01-03-10, 02:59 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by peabody View Post
I had not heard of the "already in sight" and I never tested for it either, but I don't know if I ever did a mission where they were already that close. So I'll tuck that one away in case I have problems and don't know why.


its something to do with the choice you get to take action or ignore a new contact, there is a spot where it acts like you told it to ignore the contact so your crew does just that and acts like its not there. beyond things not spawning if its too close theres something that makes the dtection spazz out so sometimes you get no report of a contact and a plane or DD can run right up to you and the gunners wont fire and the watch doesnt report it. im still not 100% certain myself how it works but if i get detection issues i push the object back far enough away untill i get the "ship sighted" or "plane spotted" report then i know things will react as they should.

Originally Posted by peabody View Post
Look to see if it is plugged in first. Then get out the hammer.


it sounds so simple but that reminds me of the time my mother once called me to come over because her freezer quit working.

by the time i got over there (i fix air conditioners and freezers) i found out that it had actually stopped working the day before and when it still wasnt working in the morning (i guess she thought magic elves were going to fix it overnight ) she got out the coolers and stuffed them with what she could save and she was giving the rest away to the people next door before it defrosted.

when i looked to see what happened i saw it was unplugged so i asked about it and she said she didnt unplug it, then she said ohh but i did pass a broom behind it to clean the dust out right before the freezer broke talk about obvious, but she never thought to check the plug.

Last edited by Webster; 01-03-10 at 03:17 AM.
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