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Old 12-24-09, 01:26 PM   #2
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so apparently the whole medal system for the u-boat mission is all messed up too.

like i said in the previous post i got the Knight's cross with golden oak leaf cross sword with diamond as my first medal, and later on i received the iron cross 2nd class medal (which is actually the iron cross 1st class).

someone at the Ubi development department must had been lazy when developing the game, i mean come on... all it takes is a few mins of google to find out what Iron cross 1st class and 2nd class look like (the 1st class is a pin-on only with no ribbon, the 2nd class comes with a ribbon but no pin on. the 2nd class can only be worn with a ribbon only through the 2nd tunic button, while the 1st class can only be worn as a pin-on medal on the left chest pocket). they have the two completely backwards in the game. they call the 2nd class 1st class and 1st class as 2nd class. not only that, the medals are suppose to be awarded in order, with Ircon Cross 2nd class first, then 1st class, then the front clasp (or war badge for completing certain number of patrols), then onto the knights cross, then knights cross with oak leafs, then knights cross with oak leaf with sword, .... and finally the highest award which should be last is the knights cross with golden oak leaf with cross word and diamond. Historically, one couldn't receieve any of the the other medals without any of the prior ones. ie, in order to receive Iron cross 1st class, one must already have the 2nd class.

some lazy developers at Ubi. i mean this just messed up the whole motivation of the game by giving away the highest award to the play in the very beginning. it would've been a much better game play had they just set the game in a way that you receive all the medals in order according to the career total tonage you accumulated (which is also historically accurate consider skippers then had to have Iron cross 2nd class prior and have sunk at least 50,000 tons of ships to be eligable for Iron cross 1st class), and the total patrols completed. And for special missions, those can be awarded with war badges.
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