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Old 12-21-09, 10:04 AM   #245
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Originally Posted by Nicolas View Post
You want proof? a big one?
God says that he will not reject you if you come to him.
You need to do it with humility.
Have faith and ask sincerely to him that you really need to know if he exist, that you are unsure. That you invite him to talk with you, to show to you, you wont hear him, or see things, the eye to see God is in the spirit.
Jesus said that if you knock the door the door will open.
That is no proof at all, Nicolas. it's only what you believe. You could as well believe that in reality the grass is blue and the sky is green. Claiming that, is one thing. Proving it - is something different.

If i can't talk this, please sorry but this topic is totally useless.
It's not because of you, but you are nevertheless right: this topic was useless from the beginning on. And some of us already indicated that on the very first page.

Religious belief is dogma, and dogmas are not to be critically questioned and analysed, but are to be believed only, and claim to be the ultimate truth that must not be tested and checked and verified at all.

Science means theory that tries to arrange observations we make in such a way that they make the best sense to our thinking and arrange the totality of our observations in such a way that the contradictions between various observations are brought to the possible minimum, and so that options for further examination and exploration and asking new questions to increase our understanding get created. Different to religious dogma, it does not claim to know the final, the last, the ultimate answers, but gives temporary answers only that get constantly analysed, checked, and changed. Note that theory that freezes in dogmatism, brings the scientific process to a halt, and then start to look a lot like religion, too. Dogmatism and theory do not coexist well. Openness and scepticism are two key ingredients of science. But for organised, and especially theistic, religion, they are lethal enemies.

Sometimes a theory becomes quite influential, and becomes quite resistent to change, because it answers things quite well accoridng to all information we so far have gained. We then call it a paradigm. Theories are models that change fast. Paradigms are schools that change slowly. Dogmas don't see a need for change at all.

You may believe that you know, when you believe in what religion tells you. But believing is not knowing. When believing that you know, indeed you only believe exclusively - but you don't know anything as a matter of fact. that's why it is useless to quote the bible or any other religious scripture to refer to an assumed deity in order to prove your point. It is no proof for the claims of religion at all. It's just: claims of something unproven, unchecked, that is unavaílable to analysis anyway.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 12-21-09 at 06:31 PM.
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