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Old 12-03-09, 04:25 PM   #73
The Old Man
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Originally Posted by I'm goin' down View Post
A few months later, gutted, from New York (I believe),
Did you just call me a northerner? I take offense to that!! LOL j/k.

I'm actually from New Orleans.

most helpful person:
Rockin' Robbins

Some years ago (2005, 2006? i forget), me & RR (and a few other peeps) were having some targeting discussions in some thread.. and from the info we collectively deduced, he just went on a helping spree. Videos, tutorials, and jumping in every thread about targeting he could and helping out.

Though at times, i think he hemmed himself into a strict way of thinking (even giving names to attack profiles), and instead should have looked at it in a more general way.. he definately helped alot of people remove their training wheels. But i guess my brain is wired diferently. I'd rather know and understand the theory and mechanics behind it, than memorize some 10 step recipe.

His effort is definately worth noting though.
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