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Old 11-25-09, 12:10 PM   #172
The Old Man
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I've played all day today at 1920x1200. So far, with the exception of a corrupted convoy save (with and without my mod) it's been fine. The longest shot I took was at 4000m. Hit with both eels smack in the sweet zones. At first I thought the AOBF was wrong because my visual estimates of 40-60 AOB were dead wrong and I was getting calculated AOBs of 20-30 degrees. But I went with it and each ship passed along my bow at a perfect 90. I guess I'm not used to SH4 graphics. In Sh3 it was much easier to estimate AOB by eye . And on one attack every AOB reading I took was of about 25 degrees even though I was already on an intercept course. Only later did I realise that the ship was changing course .

A trick I found on 16:10 resolutions is that you can close the panels by clicking just where the handles connect to the panel. That way the AOBF doesn't reset anymore. If this also applies to 4:3 resolutions I'll stretch those handles a bit so that they're easier to click on top of the panel. A good routine would be to:
1: Lock and ID the target, a bit hard since the lock breaks often (not my fault)
2: Click the ship name to browse to that page. After that only open/close the recog manual from the keybind.
3: open the AOBF
4: Lock on target to use the stadi (which btw only works if the ship's name is displayed, otherwise it's a sign that the game doesn't know there's a ship there).
5: After you start the stadimeter take a fast reading of height and also of the length. After that just let the lock break off or switch it off manually. Don't move the scope anymore. Make the calculations (I can do them in 20 seconds now with a bit of practice).
6: Enter the data into the TDC and switch the autoupdate on again. Only now can you freely use the scope again. You can now close the AOBF.
7: If you calculate the speed, either make sure the TDC isn't showed, or, try to click the handle at the metal edge so it doesn't click on the AOBF.

BTW, on my last attack I was right on track, just waiting for the ship to cross my 000 gyro. And nothing... I look at the target, dead in the water. WTF? SHe was doing 5 knots a minute ago... I change course but the track angle is bad (45 degrees). So I go in close at 700m and let loose a magnetic eel. I follow it with my cam and here's what I see...

They've built those mines worse than I've built my mod
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