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Old 11-23-09, 01:36 PM   #1
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Default Periscope lock target / changing AOB question

I have a question.. I am running SH4 w/ OM7 and OMEGU (ps I love this mod lurker is my hero) .. When I feel like playing pacific boats I run TMO (which is also totally awesome) .. I play at 80% full real but w/ map contact updates, external camera and event camera turned on (I like the eye candy, but would like to turn off contact updates when I get better at calculating solutions

Anyways, here is my question: In the German subs, if I 'lock' the periscope to the targeting computer, and I turn the periscope, the AOB changes with the heading the scope is pointing.. this makes me crazy.. Should it be this way?

It's my understanding that AOB is angle on bow of my sub, not angle on periscope heading.. If I recall when I played the american subs I could set speed and AOB for a convoy of ships, let 2 fly at the ship on bearing zero, slew my scope over 'send bearing to TDC' and let two more fire at another ship on another bearing, say 15 degrees and hit it as well.

How would I accomplish this in OM/U-boat? ther doesn't seem to be a 'send bearing to TDC' function, so I turn on lock to scope view, but then if i slew the scope, my AOB changes and I have to reset it to 90 degrees before I take my shot, this makes lining up the second shot a lot harder than in ther american subs..

Can anyone explain *why* the AOB changes when I move the scope around? It seems to me like it should not.. Or perhaps there is a better way of doing things? or a keyboard shortcut for 'send bearing to TDC'?

I should probably install that mod that puts the AOB/spd/bearing dials into the scope view I suppose that would help a bit.

.. Currently on the initial OM mission have bagged for merchants north of madagascar and two british planes that ambushed me in shallow waters while leaving france.. took some damage from a plane near Cape of Good Hope but was able to repair.. only 4 days left in my patrol before I head for me new base in Penang (sp?) and tracking another group of unescorted merchant ships leaving Mombassa ..

Can't remember a game I was ever as impressed with as SHIV with these two mods.. IL-2:FB was probably the last game I was as 'in' to.. Kudos to all you moders you took a good game, and made it amazing.
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