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Old 11-07-09, 04:59 AM   #42
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by artao View Post
another feature I'd like to see is to include a facility for a mod description and perhaps screenshot, as it can become confusing what's what sometimes.

Alltogether tho, thanks for a GREAT product.

Already there. From the Help file:

- Selecting a mod will display a brief description of the mod if the modder has provided a text file with an ".jsgme" extension in either the "documentation" folder or base folder.
- MODDERS: Add a text file to your "documentation" or base folder with the extension ".jsgme" and the contents (up to 255 characters) will be displayed to the user whenever they click on your mod within the Generic Mod Enabler's interface. This is a great way to quickly "remind" users what your mod does.
I've got to update the help file a bit as you don't need to click the mod, just hover your mouse over it.

You can also right-click a mod to view its readme files, assuming the modder has added them to a folder called "documentation". Again, from the readme:
- Selecting a mod and right clicking will bring up a list of all files in the mod's "documentation" folder for viewing.
No images though as there's really no benefit.
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