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Old 10-19-09, 09:36 PM   #12
I'm goin' down
Ocean Warrior
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Originally Posted by I'm goin' down View Post
I must have been too full of myself after sinking two carriers on my first run. My second try was a disaster. Heavy, heavy damage and two dead from air attacks during daylight. I licked my wounds and buried the dead. After dark I tried to sneak in for recon. I attacked a task force, missing 10 shots. I continued on, suffering major damage and flooding from task force destroyers who finished me off after 10 minutes of "Come out, come out, wherever you are?" [aka for those who are movie buffs, "Oh Warriors,... Warriors, Come out and Playeee."]

The mission's ending reminded me of a story about Pecos Bill and his horse, Widowmaker. No man could ride Widowmaker, except Pecos Bill. The story goes that a boy once said the rumour about Widowmaker being a killer was nothin' but a Tall Tale. Pecos Bill retorted that once a cowboy climbed aboard Widowmaker and tried to ride him. Widowmaker went crazy and bucked so hard that the the poor fella' went flyin' into space where he bounced up and down off the surface of the moon for a week before Pecos shot him down on a Sunday just so's he could be recevie a proper burial. The boy still did not believe Pecos Bill and put his hand on the horse's reins, preparing to mount the steed. As the boy took the reins, Pecos added, "Son, let me tell it to you in plain English. You try to ride Widowmaker ... he'll kill you." In other words, my ass was handed to me on a silver platter.

(My crew love it when I tell them stories before lights out!)

(Now if I could only lasso my three toy poddles (my son refers to them as the killer guard dogs.))
Just what I thought!!! Here I am stuck on the sea floor, pumping sea water. And what are cdsubron7, Wester and Peabody doing? Except for weekends when Webster is mowing his lawn looking for his car, they are working on another mission fix! At least you could send the Glomar Explorer to try and get me the hell out of here....
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