Thread: Help. I'm lost.
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Old 10-14-09, 01:15 PM   #10
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by CaptainHaplo View Post
We do know a bit. Its an evolution from the SH4 engine supposedly. Not a completely different one, but definitely not the same either.

The problem is you could spend the 900 - and still not have a machine that will run sh5, or you sould spend the 600 and be find. Unless we can get some idea of their target hw requirements, bigger is better.

Honestly, your going to probably be ok with the 600 machine. However, I doubt you will be able to run SH5 at max. The 900 machine should be alot more "pretty" and smooth, based purely on the difference in vid cards.


I have to advise - given the SH5 isssue - to go with the more powerful machine if you cannot wait. Long term, its going to last you more as a game machine than the 600 will.
I must say you confused me. The good news are that i've managed to add 200euros to my account thus i'm thinking very seriously of buying the expensive one...

Too seriously.

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