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Old 10-06-09, 06:09 AM   #4
The Old Man
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Good news. After a week of wasting time I've managed to integrate the tdc into the attack periscope screen. It sits on the notepad so it can be hidden from view. All dials work great, I just hope I can find a way to create an AutoTDC button on it, but I have not had any success so far. By the way, untill I have ALL the items in place, I won't bother with making the thing look pretty (colors, contrast, scratches, chiped paint, glass blur etc.)
Here's a 1920x1200 game screenshot. The image files used are actually calibrated for this size so there's no scaling of the images. They look best at this particular resolution (or 1600x1200).

And here's a screenshot at 1024x768. The relative sizes are the same as for 1600:1200. As you can see it only takes up as much space as the notepad did. The scope view is not obstructed too much. The vernier dials eliminated the need for a low rez version of the mod. The game does a better job at rescaling the files than photoshop can do

And just in case you didn't believe me, here's a screenshot after I've hidden the panel. (no, I haven't changed the "handle" image yet)

So, after I put in the static highlights overlay and the fake dials for the moving shadows and eliminate any possibility of a autoupdate button, I'll post a ready to use alpha version for all to play with untill I put in the torpedo panel.
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