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Old 09-28-09, 07:00 PM   #1
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Default I can't stand the twitiching!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been playing silent hunter for almost 3 years now, and I have run into a curious predicament...

The waterlines of the ships, 'twitch'. The twitching seems to be worse the farther the ship is from me, and the faster the ship is traveling.

I don;t know if this is a problem with AA graphics settings or what, but its really starting to piss me off!

Here is the strange part: I use to play SH3 on my desktop, and it ran fine with mods, etc. Ran like a dream.

I have a newish laptop, which runs everything great, mods, game, everything EXCEPT the twitch thing.

Well, thats all fine and good, I can except that my laptop isn't up to snuff, but now I have reinstalled it on my desktop, AND ITS TWITCHING THEIR NOW!!!!!!!!!

To try and be more exact as to what I'm talking about, the wake arounf the ship (sides and rear) twitch. that is to say the water jumps about. Its RATHER ANNOYING!

I have tried new graphics card drivers, nothing.

Please Help!
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