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Old 09-27-09, 10:36 AM   #200
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Originally Posted by tonschk View Post
Hello there ,Can you please WEBSTER tell me your opinion about this ? , I downloaded and installed this mod ( over 1000 Mb ) in the secuence showed below and crashed continuously to destop just before the first horizontal loading red bar is 100% full , I uninstalled this mod and now many gauges are black without anything inside the gauges just black colour inside the gauges , I think I must delete uninstall and reinstall again the game

Game fixes only mod ver 1.1
1 Real environmental mod install
GFO patch for real env.
Snorkel name fix for GFO
Slow smoke ver 3
Typ IX D2 ERT Base Pacage
Type IXD2 bubbles
Animated fans (V1.1)

well look to these mods for the cause:

Slow smoke ver 3
Typ IX D2 ERT Base Pacage
Type IXD2 bubbles
Animated fans (V1.1)

install these mods one at a time and test the game to see which one it is but since the guages are still messed up i would think it has something to do with them but you have so much going on in those mods that touch many files so step 1 i think is open the mods side by side and see how many of the same files they change. with that combination you would probably find quite a few.

also using "Lite_Fog_Ver2+Slow_Water" will remove the smaller rain mod from GFO so keep that in mind. (i'll need to make a patch for it)

in most cases i cant fix other mods i didnt do because i dont know the specific details of what they do or why and how. anytime you start using a large number of mods you will have some mods undoing stuff in other mods and you may not even be noticing its happening so never forget to take the time to check all the stuff its supposed to be doing.

after you investigate it then we can look into the way to resolve it.

first step is to fix your game corruption:

you could have a lingering mod soup thing so try this:

uninstall ALL of your mods then open the jsgme "mods" folder and move them one at a time to your desktop or you can skip this step and just delete them along with the "mods" folder which is what i do. you do not want to do a "copy all" or grab them as a group because there are unseen hidden files in the jsgme "mods" folder you dont want to keep.

when your done delete the remaining jsgme "mods" folder then run jsgme so it creates a brand new one. put your mods back (i prefer to use fresh new copies of the mods) and install them, that should fix any mod soup glitches.
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