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Old 09-11-09, 08:40 AM   #1590
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Originally Posted by Wijbrandus View Post
This is my first time encountering it, and a quick scan of this -64 page- thread did not reveal an answer to me.

I took the U-503, a Type IXC, out of Lorient on a cruise of the US coastline. I was forced to dive repeatedly due to enemy aircraft, but still managed to sink two nice and juicy freighters.

Unfortunately, after being chased by aircraft again, I was unable to surface sufficiently to get my crew to open hatches and vent the air. My boat went down somewhere in the atlantic desperately attempting to return to base for fresh air.

What causes the game to not acknowledge a proper surfacing? Diesels were running fine, but air would not purge.

Unfortunately, like Korvettenkapitän Otto Gericke before me, my first cruise was my last for the U-503.

Edit: On a second run through, I found my boat was unable to keep a steady depth when attempting to evade enemy destroyers. October, 1939, and I am commanding a Type IX from Wilhemshaven. Engaged a large convoy off Portugal in heavy fog, sinking three large freighters. When the escorts appeared, I took her to 150m, and then 200m in desperation, and she would not keep station once I exceeded about 170m. I increased speed to give the planes more effect, to no avail. I made it to 220m before the hull cracked. Not the kind of pressure test I had envisioned.

Just out of curiousity, is the thermal layer still active in OM+Stock? I don't hear reports for it, and the enemy seems to have no trouble locking my position even at extreme depth.
1. It`s a bug I encountered only one time so far. Stay surfaced, save game, reload and you should get oxygen again (I encountered also bug when I couldn`t repair my sub, reloading save helped again).

2. It`s actual game mechanics that is built for about 500-550 feet (about 160m - just approx. calculation) which can hold actual depth w/o engines running. So if you run deeper you also need to run faster. And this is serious problem for VIIC 41 where you can dive down to 250m...
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