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Old 09-09-09, 03:44 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Regarding Operation Monsun

I have downloaded and installed OM and the OMEGU and everything works perfectly. (Great work Lurker & helpers)

One thing I would like to know how to revert is the map contact updates, I am fairly new at SH4 and don't feel like fumbling around half blind just yet.
The transition from SH3 is big enough already.

I've been searching around here on the forums, but I can't seem to find a solution, although I can't surely be the onlyone that want to keep map updates in atlantic SH4 campaign?

So if anyone can point me in the right direction, or have a quick "do it yourself" guide to how I can physichally "see" the contact on the map when I am within visual range. And generally all map contact updates would be nice tbh.

I work daytime and go to school at evening, so in my limited gaming time I simply don't have time to play the "beyond 100% realism" game anymore.

edit: I should probably just asked this in the OM thread, sorry about that, my head can be only one place at the time and right now I have a fever AND trying to keep watch on my 1 year old daughter AND trying to investigate these issues at the same time. I'll try to place my posts in the right places in future.

Last edited by Brewtality; 09-09-09 at 04:11 AM.
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