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Old 08-25-09, 10:23 AM   #1168
The Old Man
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Originally Posted by Tomi_099 View Post

I think it's a shame the only thing you're from Romania on SubSim forum posts for me.

One could almost assume that you are an employee of UBISOFT are.

This simulation is very well known in Romania and there are also forums which offer interesting mods.

Man might think we are the only ones here!
How do you think about it?
Hey Tomi, sorry to be a little late to that discussion.

Your work is the best example of what a modder can hope to achieve. I know a bit of 3d graphics myself, mostly organic modeling. Modeling might sound almost mystical to most gamers but I know it's quite simple. However, going thorugh hundreds of pictures and working with thousands of objects is anything but simple. Any dev team, not just Ubi's would be put to shame by your patience. I would never have such patience .

By your comment, did you mean that UBI never contacted you? If I were on the managment team, I would've payed you for your superior model and saved my team from months of work. I hope they didn't think "well, let's make a simple 3d room for SH5, they'll manage to integrate Tomi's interiors later anyway".

Although there are few of us romanians here on the forum, not all of us work at Ubi, or would like to work at Ubi. I don't have any info on the team, but many of my university colleagues worked as game testers there (at Gameloft to be more precise), about 5-6 years ago. The hours were long and the pay sucked. Much more recently, EA Romania fired it's entire Game Tester team. I had a friend there who worked for 9-10 hours per day and was payed less than 200 euros per month. I don't want to start a political debate here, but in a developing country with failing moral values, foreign corporatins here don't bring anything good, they just take and leave. Although I've finished the Computer and Automatics Unviersity I've decided to join the merchant navy (not the romanian one as it no longer exists). The lifestyle might be strange, but the pay and respect are better than anything I can hope to recieve here (through legal and moral methods).

Silent Hunter is not well known in Romania. When it appeared a few years ago, there was a local hype of "OMG, romanians can do a game?! OMG, and it's not a crap game? WOW". But the game didn't sell here (and not only from piracy). Most romanians play CounterStrike, World of Warcraft and Command and Conquer. But since one game here costs about 80 euros, and any teenager that gets a job can't expect to get more than 300 euros (while their parents might earn around 500), you can bet that they'll invest 2000 euros in a computer but never buy a game. That's how things work here. They download about one pirated game per day, play it for 20 minutes, then delete it and go back to Warcraft. Piracy is here to stay, if they crack down on it, all the IT vendors will suffer from loss of sales. And recently they just did, because of game consoles. Most of my friends now have switched to XBOX (XBOX has been cracked for years) because they hate upgrading their PC's every year. The fact that I have more than 30 original games (all sims or final fantasy games) with boxes on my shelf makes me a rarity among my friends and is because I've been playing games since 1990 and have witnessed the glory of pc gaming, back when each game was unique, the rise of the simulators and the fall of sim giants like Microprose and Looking Glass. Flight Unlimited 2 will always be my favourite sim, no matter what the future comes up with.
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