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Old 08-24-09, 05:59 PM   #3
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by green_abobo View Post
say i wanted to figure the distance for the bearing MoBo tells me to travel on an intercept plot so i know exactly where to be instead of just traveling at that true bearing and not actually knowing where the contact is in relation to me like i usually do. i imagine that you would have to scale the map yes? what about time? does this factor into it too?
Yes, you would need to accurately scale the map. Assuming you know how to do that, you can display distance on any line by hovering over the unit the line is pointing to and pressing the "D" key.

Does time factor into it? ...only if you want to know how long it will take to traverse the distance. Typically, it's not that critical.

Originally Posted by green_abobo View Post
also,i usually use this formula for figuring target's speed. time target for 3:15 seconds,take that distance traveled and divide it by ten. (for metric) 2:98 seconds for imperial. this only works if you have a visual of the contact and can follow it though. when you get map contact updates you get an estimated speed for the map contact. MoBo is nice yes,but what if your speed plot for the contact is wrong? wont this make the plotted intercept incorrect?
There are a few options.

1) If you're gonna guess at target speed, add a couple knots as a fudge factor. That might get you there ahead of the target most of the time. Then proceed down the target true course line until you make contact. Submerging and using the hydrophone will double your detection radius without giving away your position (as in using radar).

2) If you have two positions on the map with known times. You can calculatete the speed/heading to the tenth of a knot.

3) When map updates are turned on, you can submerge and take a peek thru the attack scope and see the units plotted on the map. Get in the habit of popping up the scope peeking at the navmap, mark the position and time and downscope for 8-10 mins (using accel time is fine), popup and repeat. With those two timed marks on your map you should be able to determine course, hdg, speed with high accuracy.

Originally Posted by green_abobo View Post
i used to play stock,now i play Operation Monsun (not with OMEGU) so i now that the map contacts estimated speed values are different from that of the stock SH4. anyone know what those values are for O.M.? (the estimated ranges) this would make my life as a uboat captain much easier.
I don't know about the OpMonsun-related question.

Originally Posted by green_abobo View Post
now for my ultimate question. how do you plot to have the contact be at a 90 degree angle a.o.b. when you get to the intercept for a not-so-fast 90 attack? i cant figure this out either.
Stationing problems are fairly simple. There are 2 examples in the MoBo forum. One shows how to do a simple 20k-yard lead, the other is a more advanced 2-leg approach. You're asking about the simpler one and it looks like this:

In this case if M1 is the actual target position, all you have to do is create another contact and set the vectors equal (select unit, hover over another unit and press "=" key). You can position the second unit anywhere you want, measuring distance, AoB, etc. and plot the intercept to the relative station rather than to the actual contact. In the example above, the station is 20k-yards directly ahead of the contact position.

For an attack position station I would consider putting myself at a 20-40° AoB and then waiting for the unit to approach the firing zone for a zero-gyro shot. If you position yourself for a 90° AoB you might not have time to prep for the shot.

More tutorials and examples here: MoBo Forum Tutorials & Examples
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