Thread: SH5 Wishlist
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Old 08-22-09, 03:53 PM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2005
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1) a pencil to write text in the map
2) a possibility to switch off gps and a button to get the position by use of a sextant (quality of positioning depends of weather and WO skills)
3) different sound volumes for single contacts and convoys (convoys could be heared for up to 100 km)
4) wolfpacks
5) radio commands from other boats, from bdu and from sinking ships)
6) possibility to give up the boat
7) manual control of depth rudders and diesel engines
8) rendering of the masts before seeing the hull of a hostil ship
9) the patrol shouldt end when docking in the harbour. the kaleun can (because of the new ego perspective) leave the boat and check out the harbour. perhaps he can go to the docks and look for new torpedos, technics or he can go to nightclub or to the flottillas comander and ask him for a new boat. when he is ready, he can come back to his boat and see his men waiting on deck for him... the role play should end when docking, it should be possible to explore the whole harbour by feed...

Everything comes to him who waits

Last edited by Jaeger; 08-22-09 at 04:34 PM.
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