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Old 08-18-09, 12:18 PM   #322
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Originally Posted by scrapser View Post
I think a lot of people want another Pacific theater because only two have been made in the past 13 years.
So, two SHs in Pacific and two in the Atlantic with the last one now being 4 years old. So, what's the problem here?

Aside from that it really bothers me that the developers that worked on one generation are not involved with the next one. They make repeated mistakes and create new ones. If UBISoft is interested in putting out a decent sim without spending a lot of money you'd think they would work with the experience and knowledge base that had to have been developed during the course of the earlier versions.
I'm pretty sure they're not exchanging developers, at least not the most important ones. If they did, I'm pretty sure the SH4 would look much more different from SH3.
Since it's probably mostly same people expanding the work they have done on SH3, you get some of the same problems brought onwards to SH4 (because the core engine gets upgraded and not written from scratch). For instance, one downside to having the same team over and over might be the lack of new ideas and concepts (innovation) to the series.

But rarely does common sense prevail. I know SH5 is going to come out buggy as hell...especially with the new FPS perspective. It's just the way they do things.
Well, I'm not too happy about all these new features which are broadening the scale with some strategic elements while the basic product still has much room for improvement.

I'd much rather prefer if they worked on immersion elements like making a more involving campaign with more dynamically assigned tasks and much more communications with other subs (Wolfpacks) and the HQ.

For instance, I hope the new crew interaction feature (which I don't really care about) will also bring more depth in the crew management, like some crew histories and alike so you really get connected to them and feel their loss when they get transfered out or killed. SH4 crew management was a step back in immersion in that regard, I feel.

The important thing might also be to get the basic foundation and interfaces for the missing/undeveloped features which would allow the modders to further develop them. E.g. they don't have to spend too much valuable effort on detailing the interiors as long as they provide all the basic interfaces so the modders can add/update them. AI routines (e.g. wolfpack )could thus be kept in some script files which could get updated later on (maybe it already is like this?), crew histories could be updated, etc.

I know it may sound stupid to expect modders to bring the final game to higher standards, but I presume they don't have vast human resources and 5 years of development time to bring everything up to snuff. But, the modders can only improve those things which are already in the game without the source code so I hope the development team will appreciate this and create more modding possibilities.
I'm a bit slow at first, but by the time the crew starts screaming "Captain, we're all gonna die!", I'm in complete control.
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