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Old 08-17-09, 05:10 PM   #120
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I,m sorry but the trailer looked totally cheezy. But i understand the point there trying to make though. I just dont hope we get only one u-boat type to choose from this time , Something tells me we will but i could be wrong.
* give us an interactive bar for in port! Doesnt have to be anything real sophisticated or anything just so i can hang around the bar and interact with other crews
getting drunk before and after every patrol.
* we should have pennant flags and the ablilaty to have the crew standing on deck when returing to port.
* random malfunctions to systems in the u-boat would make in much more interesting. I mean when i take the boat for a test dive when i,m out of port i do it to
make sure everything works as it should! If im sure there is never a malfunction this isnt fun to do anymore after a while.
* How about adding some life to the oceans as well? I mean i understand a u-boats doesnt exacly attract huge amount of fish or anything but a fish or a dophin
every once in a while would look much more cooler
* Give us some true multiplayer , i mean seriously multiplayer in sh-3 and sh-4 is totally dead and never was very apealling. Give us a destoyer to hunt down those
boys below! And give us the chance to have multiple players in the same u-boat! This would totally rock with the new all 3-d interieur!
we live we die but death does not ends it.

Jim Morrison 1943-1971
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