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Old 08-09-09, 03:36 PM   #12
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That's only long as everyone understands that this is just a hunch based on my twenty or so hours with the game thus far. I do NOT have enough information to submit a bug report and, frankly, I'm not at all convinced that there is a problem with the DG gunnery/ballistics model as some have claimed.

That said:
My idea was: "what if the gun accuracy settings only affected the player's shooting and did not affect AI's shooting?"

I got this hunch sometime during my tenth battle or so (playing as Japan) when I finally managed to corner VARIAG west of Chemulpo. The Russian ship SEEMED to shoot much better than the contemporary reports of their shooting would indicate for night gunnery at 3000-4000 meters.

I remembered your posts in which you seemed to be arguing that Russian ships were too vulnerable. When you said that you did trials with lots of different gun accuracy settings and it didn't seem to matter I realized that one common element in both of these situations *might* be that the human player (the Russians in your trials I think) kept getting creamed by the AI player (Japanese in your trials?).

I've since learned that I had the "gun accuracy" slider set way too high (100 vice the 20 that Bullethead recommended). So I've reset my "gun accuracy" and am keeping an eye on the performance with the revised values. That may be all that there is too it so I am not at this point saying at all that DG's gunnery model is messed up.

If my week or so of play still leaves me with questions, then I'll pursue using the scenario editor to do gunnery exercises at predetermined ranges.

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