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Old 07-15-09, 09:11 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins View Post
Looks like a vessel to assault the all-time record tonnage per minute now held by Neon Deon's Pimp my Boat with 100,000 tons sunk in about eight minutes against my Convoy from Hell mission. I'll have to retrieve the exact record. Rules are that the crew fires the deck gun, any torpedoes are manually targeted.

Let me know when the thing is ready to fire all guns and fully operational and we'll go for a new record!

Here's the present record: Pimp My Ride/Slightly Subnuclear Deck Gun vs the Convoy from Hell!
She is ready and all guns work. I'll have to download the mission and play it, sounds like fun.

Originally Posted by Sophont View Post
Awww. No campaign mode? >.> <.<
Not yet, it will have one soon.

Anyone having trouble getting the guns to work, well it seems I forgot to add the weapons.upc and upgradepacks.upc files to the .rar. Now rather than reuploading the two files I suggest just downloading the Blackwolf and use the files from it, because it uses the same two upc files.

Also for those who are having problems with only getting three crew members. I know what the problem is and I am fixing it. It turns out that some of the mods make changes to the crew and the upc file needs to be updated. So right now I am working on the upc file for RFB. When that is done I'll work on the one for TM.

The reason the current one is in place is because FOTRS does not change how the crew functions from the stock game.
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