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Old 07-10-09, 05:03 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Eugene View Post
Paulco, glad changing your resolution in dosbox fixed your black bars problems. Always a good idea to experiment with the various parameters of dosbox, one at a time, to see whether one solves whatever issue you may be having.

You also asked about resolutions outside of the standard ones offered like 640 and 800, etc. And you asked about sluggish dosbox performance in game.

1. I don't think there are other resolutions normally available, at least if you are using a front end like DeFend - but if you can type them in your conf file, it won't hurt to try. I've found generally that only one resolution will fill the entire screen.

2. You know about ctrl-F12 and F11? They increase or decrease the speed of the game - the cycles of your cpu for the game, in dosbox. Every time you hit ctrl F12 (iirc) the speed increase by a standard increment - starts at 500 cps, but you can alter that increment to be higher if you want. ctrl F11 slows it back down. Some games require quite a few increases before they run smoothly. I believe dosbox defaults to just 3,000 cps. I've had to go quite a bit higher for some sims such as F-15 Strike Eagle III to get smooth frame rates.

Good luck.
Hi everybody, Finally got it sussed, WITH A HELL OF A LOT OF HELP.

Thanks everybody out there, Now working on Computer and Laptop.

Best wishes

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