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Old 06-30-09, 12:40 PM   #15
Storm Eagle Studios
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Originally Posted by alexsmith View Post
maybe. I could probably miss it. Don't you think a some on-screen icon displaying aproximately weather conditions would be great?
There is one. One of the buttons along the right edge of the screen is the weather report. This gives the wind speed and direction, the wave height, etc.

I mean SEPARATE targeting! I doubt I can find any reasonable situation in which guns should fire in one direction and torpedoes opposite! In DG I mean - in Jutland as I've already told it may be quite reasonable - maybe.
This is quite useful in DG, too. It's a question of geometry. Suppose your DD is going parallel to an enemy line. The best gun target is the one on the broadside directly across from the DD. However, the best torpedo target is the ship next astern of the gun target, due to torpedoes having to lead the target a lot due to their slow speed.

Considering fact that sometimes torpedo targeting commands does not work at all - I order to target specific ship, but target is changed suddenly - please, check this out, might be bug
The reason that your ship changes her torpedo target is because you gave it a target that was impossible to hit, and which will never apparently become possible to hit. The ship knows, however, that you want it to launch torpedoes and that it probably won't live much longer, so it picks a target it CAN hit, viewing torpedoes as a "use them or lose them" thing.

Assuming the water is calm enough, getting torpedoes to launch requires that you meet their launch parameters. These are:
  • The predicted impact point (not the target itself) is within the tube's arc of fire at the moment of launch.
  • The predicted impact point (not the target itself) is within the torpedo's range at the moment of launch.
If the launch parameters are not met when you give your ship a specific torpedo target, she will track that target for a little while to see whether the parameters will ever be met. If so, then your ship will continue to track that target and will launch when the parameters are met but subsequent movement of both your ship and the target. OTOH, if these conditions will apparently never be met, the ship will sometimes switch to a different target where the launch parameters ARE met, under the assumption that you want to launch torpedoes and hitting something else is better than being sunk before launching at all. If there's no other parameter-meeting target available, then your ship won't launch at all.

Torpedoes of the RJW only have ranges of 800-1200m. As such, they are unable to reach moving targets when fired from very much behind the target's beam. Remember, they have to end up somewhere ahead of where the target is now, and the further behind the target you are when you launch, the further ahead the impact point will be. Also, the further behind the target's beam you are, the closer to the target you have to be before you can launch.

The best way to use torpedoes, therefore, is to approach the target on a parallel but opposite course. In fact, this is the only approach I ever make on a moving target, because it also minimizes my exposure to enemy fire, both in terms of range and time spent under fire before I can launch. Plus, the torps arrive at the best angle and have the best chance of hitting when fired from ahead of the target.

What I like to do is have my DDs move in line astern more or less perpendicular to the target's course, then turn simultaneously for a head-on approach. This puts some of the flotilla on both sides of the target, leaving it no place to run when it tries to dodge the torpedoes .

When DD enters targeting range - it should prepare weapons to be ready to launch torpedoes by order - but not to throw them from 1km!
You just need to work on the timing of giving the launch order. Only give it as the DDs are approaching the point you want to launch from, so that by the times the tubes swing onto the target, you're in the right place. It's not that hard to do.
Storm Eagle Studios
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