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Old 06-20-09, 02:39 PM   #8
Ocean Warrior
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Setting up a MP training mission and then meeting up with one of us using voice chat may be a good idea too. I'm sure there's people here who would be happy to do some teaching.

I would suggest to start with something simple like the 688i sub. Subs are the meat of the game and you can REALLY learn about tactics and proper stealth techniques by working with them.

I would suggest reading up on the manual... Start with section 5: Training. This will teach you the basics of naval combat that it is essential to know. Then, pick a platform (I like the 688i sub for starters) and go to the section for that vessel in the manual and it will tell you what all the different controls and monitors are used for and how to use them.

Have you patched the game up to the latest version ? There are a couple of patches I would reccomend. One is the official patch. It closes a LOT of bugs.
Go to the downloads section of this forum. Go to the Dangerous Waters Section and then go into the Patches page. You want the v104 patch. To install the patch, just run it and follow the instructions.

If you want some more bugfixes and realism in the game, it can't hurt to download and put in the LWAMI mod (In the same Dangerous Waters Download section here under "Gameplay Mods".) It adds more units, updates some of the graphics, updates weapons and adds some, and overall makes the sim more realistic. It CAN change the dynamics of some of the stock missions included with Dangerous Waters, but MOST of the addon scenarios are written with LWAMI in mind.

Also, the best repository for Dangerous Waters missions, tutorials, and other stuff is
A lot of the stuff from there has been transferred here as well so take a look at the subsim downloads section.

If you end up confused about anything, just ask here. We have a large and very good crowd who are ALWAYS willing to help new players. Dangerous Waters is a serious SIMULATION and as being such, it can be VERY intimidating to a new player with no knowlege of naval tactics, methods of operation and such. It's not so bad once you learn your way around it. It can get VERY VERY intense. It plays like a Chess match.
Be my friend or be a mushroom cloud.
"I am coming at you. You will explode in a couple of minutes !"

Last edited by Blacklight; 06-20-09 at 03:04 PM.
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