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Old 06-02-09, 11:19 AM   #509
Navy Seal
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I tried to find out who had claimed to be a guardian, but thus far no one had a credible claim. I thought it would be fairly wise to assign the remaining guardian to me, so that would free me for later as he’d be wasted guarding the werefish, whilst I could attack any target. The only problem with it was that I couldn’t ever allow any guardian to be confirmed, as I couldn’t kill them at night and if they were confirmed, they’d never ever get lynched. I must be cautious.

Received message from Letum saying that I should ‘lie, deceive, kill, do everything in your power to please the Kraken’. I also got a message saying that I sensed another evil presence on the boat, but of course I already knew this.

I informed Undersea that a new monster had entered the boat and maybe that’s why the voting went strange. Undersea said the voting went strange for other reasons, but didn’t like the new monster aspect. He said that he assumed I was still trustworthy because I actually bothered to tell him (of course he still had reservations about me, but he had to say he trusted me, in order to get me to co-operate with him). Undersea asked me not to tell anyone else that a new monster had come on board – sneaky! I like it, control the information and don’t panic people. Just what a great leader player would do. Of course, I had to tell him that there was a new monster. For one thing, I had the problem that I could not afford to build up too large a group of confirmed humans, as I would have no control over who the guardian protected, I would be unable to select my targets for sure by night. The worst case was if the guardian protected someone that I had not seered yet, as I had to create two pools of people. One pool was the confirmed humans group and had to be kept small, but still large enough to swing votes. The other pool was the pool of lynch targets, from whom people would be lynched at random, as the only way to get the werefish was to kill non-confirmed humans, as Jimbuna said. I could control the size of the confirmed human group by killing them, but as the number of people shrank, the likelihood of the guardian interfering would become unacceptably likely, so I had to be very careful to balance things so the end game started out how I wanted.

Tarjak asked me, as he knew I was the seer, if the ‘bug juice’ test held any truth. I went through the whole thread and found an instance where Silverraptor had drunk bug juice. I told him and Undersea about this and said that it could be useful for unseating people who were still relying on it.

At this point subsim went down, apparently cthulu was REALLY angry that his chosen son had been killed. Still, he’s meant to be the greater power, so boo hoo :-P.

Day 6 / Night 6

CaptainHaplo turns up dead. Oh no! Undersea starts to get a bit paranoid, as TarJak is now taking more interest in the investigation and he thinks this is because he may be the new monster. Undersea recommends in order of priority people to seer, he recommends Tarjak, as he knows I am the seer, so could do a lot of damage, Raptor1 / Jalu3, Tarrasque (I think Undersea had come on too hard and Tarrasque was annoyed with him), SandyCaesar (almost as an after thought). I also find out that apparently Silverraptor to SandyCaesar that there was a new monster in the game (ARGH!). Undersea said it was up to me on who to choose, but I wanted to make him think I was still fully co-operative, so I said that I would seer Tarjak again. Of course, I knew he was still human, so could say he was still human and also use my seer ability to see someone else, so I could stay one step ahead and try to steer the investigation. The priority now was to keep the investigation alive and me deeply hidden it. I sent Undersea a huge long list of possible strategies people could be using and what it all meant.

Day 7 / Night 7

At this point I noticed that TarJak liked getting involved in the narrative, so I came up with an idea that he could develop a scientific test as a cover story for my seer results. I PM Undersea and say that we have to strat controlling the vote, as only 3 out of ten voted yesterday and that’s awfully out of control. I also say that Jimbuna’s behaviour has changed as he has made a grab for power (a change would him being the new monster). I get the ‘seer’ results from Letum. I decided to seer Oberon and the results are he is human. I tried to attack Jimbuna, but I was attacked by a guardian, so was foiled. I PMed Undersea that TarJak was human, he was relieved. Amazingly Nokia posted the whole thing and as it matched what I had been told, I was able to recognise that Nokia must be the guardian. From now on I had to keep Nokia in the pool of people not confirmed. I also posted in the game thread challenging Jimbuna. Jimbuna and Raptor1 had come to blows previously and I thought I’d challenge him to see if I could get an aggressive ‘you must be the werefish’ revenge post. This would establish two things, Jimbuna would revenge vote anyone that voted for him and it also created a nicely unhealthy atmosphere of fear, in which people were unlikely to challenge each other openly. I made sure to back up my challenged with logical sounding reasons, so that I could not be seen to be making groundless claims. I informed Undersea that Jimbuna’s leadership was creating an atmosphere of fear and also I pointed out that he was trying to get everyone to vote, but would only vote at the end, so he did not himself influence the vote, but he did make sure by the aggressiveness that no one voted for him. This was sufficiently suspicious to cast doubt on him. I also point out that Nokia claiming to see the monster could be a clever cover, e.g. he saw the monster, therefore he could not be it. Undersea sent me some of the conversation between him and Jimbuna and said that he thought it was suspicious – I said that I didn’t think it was suspicious at all. I just felt that was the best way to play it, Undersea had already said he thought it was suspicious and I just felt that me saying it was neutral would make me look better, whilst re-enforcing his own view. I inform Undersea that there is possibly only one Guardian left. He replies saying that he has given up finding any.

Undersea PMed asking if I thought that Jimbuna knew Raptor1 was a werefish. I replied outlining a ridiculously complicated strategy they could be using. Undersea asked for Tarrasque to be seered, but then changed it to Oberon, I replied saying that I was not allowed to change the target – truth is, I never asked as I could use this to my advantage later, as I needed this leeway. Tarrasque’s seer result is human.

Day 8 / Night 8

Undersea votes for Tarrasque, I’m not sure why, but I have to try to split the vote somehow, as my priority now is to get Nokia lynched. I PM Tarjak and say Tarrasque is human and ask him who we should lynch next. He selects Oberon, so Oberon it is. Tarjak says that he will approach Tarrasque and tell him who is human. I explain the new monster plot twist and I point out that only me, him and Tarrasque are confirmed humans, Undersea may possible be a monster. Tarjak thnks he might be worth seering. Oberon is lynched. For whatever reason, even though agreeing with Tarjak and Undersea, he shots rather than brigs Oberon. This is enough evidence to have him as the next target for seering and possible lynching. Undersea wants to seer either Jimbuna or Nokia. TarJak wants to seer into the brig to get Briggy green out. I ask them to talk to each other and choose. I have been very careful to give the impression of full co-operation, even though I haven’t been seering all the right people. This evening I was drinking a few beers and I was making a couple of typing errors. I suddenly thought, hmmm, OK I’ll PM Undersea and deliberately type badly and try to hit a lot of wrong keys and give the impression that I am quite drunk. Hopefully it will lead to a conclusion that if I was the werefish, I would slip up whilst very drunk. Undersea comes up with a fairly complicated plan, so I respond with an even moe complicated plan. I had previously told him to not over analyse everything, as I did feel guilty about turning the the dark side (the dice made me do it!) so I was trying to take a lot of the work off him and most of what I was saying to him was to take work load off him and help him out as he was doing a large amount of work. Apparently Jimbuna had said that Letum was responding slowly to some PMs, so I filed this information as I could maybe make use of it. Undersea confirms he wants Jimbuna or Nokia seered, no one else. I seerd Baggygreen. I got told that ‘I can’t see through doors’. I also see if I can frame Nokia, by getting him to post another attack report, so I assume he is guarding Jimbuna, if he isn’t then Jimbuna dies and Nokia becomes part of an even smaller pool of victims. Nokia is guarding Jimbuna, so I assume that he has been for the past few nights since he became leader. Undersea tells Nokia that Jimbuna is the prime suspect and I am the second suspect, he tells Jimbuna that Nokia is the prime suspect and I am the second suspect. This is so that neither of them if they are the werefish will attack me, so it will keep me safe if either are monsters. It’s a good plan, but does add a layer of difficulty, as now I have to make sure that the confirmed humans all stay alive, as I need to make sure we have the voting power to get either Jimbuna or Nokia. I don’t think I got the seer results before I went to bed that night, so my results were delayed in reporting to Undersea.
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