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Old 04-16-09, 07:50 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by onelifecrisis View Post

Yes, you need to recalculate the range for each shot. But if you use the right "tricks" then that's all you need to recalculate.

When the TDC is on Auto the Bearing and AOB are both automatically updated as the scope turns. When the TDC is on manual, neither of them are updated when the scope turns... BUT... when you switch it from manual back to auto it updates the bearing (if the scope has moved) without updating the AOB. So if the scope moves at all while the TDC is on Manual then it will mess up your firing solutions as soon as you switch it back to Auto, and seeing as the scope will get "dragged" around by any locked target that means you must unlock it before switching the TDC to manual (and not move it again until the TDC is back on auto).

This is the stock behaviour of the TDC. It's nothing new. As I said above, you really need to be familiar with the TDC (not just the notepad) before using OLC GUI.
So in short we can make an important note:

1. Leaving of TDC in manual for longer time than necessary will lead to inacurate calculations.

2. When target is temporarily unlocked and TDC switched to manual. You don't want to move the scope but will have limited period of time to input data to TDC because if the target ship travels fast you can loose him from scope and without moving scope you woun't be able to lock him again right ?
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