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Old 03-17-09, 02:40 AM   #16
Sea Lord
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Originally Posted by porphy
Nice review Periscope, thanks.

I agree with everything said in the write up, and I also like Black Shark very much. This is a very good study sim and it deserves a high star rating. It's simply wonderful to fly the Shark around the map, doing the occasional cool helicopter move.

There is one thing though which isn't mentioned in the review, and that is the "tree problem".
Trees are plenty and they look good in the sim when you have all the graphics enabled. The thing is that they are not solid. You can fly through them. But even worse is that the AI can see through them, but you can not... Using trees as cover is a non option. If you do that you might very well take a good hit from SAMs, AAA gunfire or mandpads coming through the foliage.

To be honest. I haven't had big issues with this so far. Mainly because you are flying very low when staying behind trees, anyway, which tend to be sufficient to keep you out of harms way. But on a few occasions I have suffered from this problem. Especially if you are getting a bit too close to the bad guys. You have to remember that the enemy is probably tracking you already, and as soon as you are within firing range they will shoot. As you do a bob up attack from behind trees and try to quickly get a lock, they are already firing at you.
The thing is to think and perform the attack and approach as if the trees were not there. Use ridges, small elevation differences and even houses for cover. Stand of tactics and coordinated attacks with wingmans also do wonders. This works very well indeed, just remember that there is no hiding in the trees here.

ED is fully aware of the problem and there might be a solution for this coming up.

cheers Porphy
Thanks for the comments porphy. I didn't know about the tree issue. I've had one incident where an ATGM seemed to come out of the trees at me, but I just assumed it had skimmed over them.

And BTW, I understand Neal's downloaded Black Shark recently. Liking it Neal?

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