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Old 03-02-09, 03:43 PM   #7
Mush Martin
Eternal Patrol
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Originally Posted by Fincuan
I like the -38 in the Pacific, but no so much in ETO. It's especially lovely against the pre-44 Japs because the armament is enough to light one up in no time, and there's no way they'll catch you. In Europe it's quite another thing, especially after 1943. The post-43 Luftie rides aren't only more maneuverable than you, but also almost as fast or even faster. It's not so big a problem against the AI, but it's a different game against humans.

By and Large I would agree with your assessment Particularly where
the top end speed is concerned in ETO
however I maintain that the aileron boosters if the P-38L(late) Model
are a lot more than just dive brakes, there function was to redirect
air back onto the control surfaces at high speeds. therefore..........
at times when the lightning (1944L late) is operating comfortably above
four hundred mph it can turn inside of everything especially above twenty
K feet. ( at least for the first few turns. ) so it isnt helpless completely
though I admit a certain wariness when it comes to FW190's and TA152's

RIP Mush

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