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Old 03-02-09, 01:10 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by theluckyone17
Originally Posted by Soundman
My install is in "Program Files" and I don't have any problems. Once it's up and running, it probably won't matter.
It won't, unless you're running mods. Then a "feature" of Vista crops up... "Compatibility Files". PCMag has a short & sweet explanation of it here.

Basically, Vista won't let you (or JSGME) change the files located in SH4's subdirectories. Instead, it dumps the new files in a different spot, the "Virtual Store" location mentioned in the article. It's anyone's guess at that point what file SH4 is going to get when it requests it.

So if there's a game that you're considering modding on Vista, make sure you install it somewhere other than "C:\Program Files". I'd suggest "C:\Games".

This probably isn't the problem that the original poster is having, though.
Yes, I know what you mean. There is a simple work around though. I use mods and JSGME. I needed to run JSGME as Administrator. Been a while, but I may have also needed to set permissions for the SH4 folder. Once done, no problems.
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