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Old 02-26-09, 08:07 PM   #6
Machinist's Mate
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Originally Posted by Blacklight
But what Sub Commands does not have anymore for some reason is :
-distinct sounds in the broadband in the sonar for more than just torpedoes (as Sonalyst lowered apparently a lot those specific sounds in a Sub Command patch so most of the time you don't hear the difference with the garbage noise and so must only use the visual of the waterfall) . In 688 the "hearable" sounds gives the sonar station a more interesting feel, as the waterfall is certainly very usefull, but being able to hear the sound yourself contribute even more to the immersion.
That's odd. I get those sounds in my Sub Command and I'm upgraded to the latest patch. Did you check to see if you had the audio turned on at the switch at the Broadband station ? Also, check the sound settings in the Options as well. You may have one of the sound channels tuned too low to hear against the other sounds. You should easily be able to hear audio generated by anything that's making a noise out there.

Here's the audio settings I use:
Music: Off
Voice Response 6 1/2
3D Sound 5 1/2
Sound Effects 2 1/2

(When I set them to their default, I've found that certain audio completely overpowers other audio, especially an incomming ping which I was afraid would blow my speakers !)
Anyway. Those are the settings that work the best for me.
Thanks will try to tweak around those settings.
But i think if you can hear ships and subs sounds inside of the garbage noise of the sonar, it must be a soundcard problem on my end maybe, as the only sounds i can hear in the garbage background sounds are :
-hull cracks from destroyed ships/subs falling

But nothing more, while in 688(i) Hunter Killer i can hear all these inside the broadband garbage noise too, but in the same time i can hear the various surface vessels, and more faintly submarines (as long as there is a trace in the waterfall, i can't hear them if they are not catched by either towed array or sphere sonars) when i move my detection bar in broadband to their direction.
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