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Old 02-09-09, 06:04 PM   #191
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Chad
"Mayor Contact, nice to see you again, I hope your trip went well?"

Chad stands up and puts his hand on his hip, showing his black revolver, looking at the Mayor very suspiciously.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you, the events of last night and the night before are really becoming quite bothersome. I have set up several watches in the Kamp, and talked to Kaleu Jimbuna and have heard his plans for the night. What I want to talk to you about, is, until the reinforcement of your "Police" show up, how are you planning on protecting your people?

The German Wehrmact is willing to protect you, as long as you promise to keep an eye out on those saboteur. If they breach the Kamp, they will be shot on site, understood? It doesn't matter who it is.
Good day Colonel

As you already know we are definetly having a serious situation in this area.

I'm announcing curfew as order to all the citizens of Vanvikan village from 22:00 evening to 8:00 morning sharp. Anyone who will be cought outside of these time limits in the area will be prosecuted to the arrest. Anyone who will try to avoid arrest will be shot on sight.
Till police reinforcement arrives I would like to ask you colonel to support these actions, and to think of tranfering all you personel into the perimeters of village to strengten the circle of diffence in one place and try to hold this night without any casualties. I hoping for you cooperation Colonel.