Thread: GeForce 9400 GT
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Old 02-09-09, 04:27 PM   #6
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by cgjimeneza
Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk
I have not had any experience with that card but I understand that the 9400 is getting a bit outdated. Currently I run a GT 9800 and these are going for about $99.00. It might be worth taking a second look at a faster card. For a few more dollars than the 9400, you will have a better card. Just my .02 cents.

Also, your 4 gig of RAM...are you running 64 bit?
xp 32 bit.... no plans for xp pro

and how much memory does your card has? does it make a diff (1024 x 512 mb)
Here is the first issue. You are getting 4 gig of RAM. XP 32 bit or just 32 bit in general will not see more than 3 gig of RAM. With that said, you will save $ by not getting the entire 4 gig because 32 bit will not use all 4 gig. 64 bit allows the full 4 gig to be seen and utilized. Zachstar is correct in analysis of the 9400. Also, you are kind of in a catch 22. I run Vista 64 bit. Runs like a champ. I have no bugs and issues that everyone claimed. This is the OS currently and Windows 7 is just on the horizon. From what I read, a well polished Vista is what Windows 7 is in all reality. So, you are like me when I purchased a new system. Stay with XP, move up to Vista? 32 bit or 64 bit? As I searched and studied, most if not all of computing is going 64 bit. I decided to to Vista 64 as a result. So, with that said, I would recommend Vista 64 bit because you system you are building will utilize Vista's capabilities and up to 8 gig of RAM. Now, your computer is only as fast as it's slowest part. In your case, the 9400 will be your slowest part. I suspect for a few dollars more you could go the 9600 or 9800. I would really look around before you make your decision. At any rate, running SH4 and say COD World at War should not be a problem with the 9400.

And, to answer you question, my 9800 had 512mb memory. It is DDR3.

Here is a nice one at Tigerdirect:

If anything, look over the Newegg and Tigerdirect site. Plenty of reviews of the cards and excellent prices. And again, SH4 and BoBII should work just fine. I look at this way. If the parts you are getting are in fact a sizable upgrade to your current rig and these two games play ok, then the upgraded systems should play them VERY well.
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