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Old 02-09-09, 08:44 AM   #88
Chief of the Boat
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Kapitanleutnant Jimbuna returns to the boat as darkness is about to fall. The watch suddenly realise who it is walking up the gangplank and snap themselves into a state of alertness.

Jimbuna climbs the conning tower and calls down the voicepipe for Raptor1, Nisgeis and Fincuan.

The three men appear in various states of unreadiness.

"Right!! will all be aware of a serious incident ashore earlier in which some old copper was murdered, or should I have said butchered"

The three stared in bewilderment at Jimbuna, probably too scared to acknowledge for fear of being suspected of having had some involvement.

Jimbuna to Raptor 1 "I am reliably informed that repairs to our engine will take some time to expedite and the refurbishment of our eels likewise. It looks like we are going to be stuck here in this Godforsaken hellhole for a while"

Raptor 1 nodded his understanding.

Jimnuna to Fincuan "Show me the guard duty rosta I ordered you to create this morning"

Fincuan handed over a crumpled and stained sheet of paper reminiscent of something someone had used to wipe their backside on earlier.

Jimbuna ran a hawk like eye down the list of names before handing it to Nisgeis saying "Very well, go below with Fincuan and carry out a roll call. I want to know if anyone is unnacounted for. I expect a guard on the flack cannons by the time you return. Shall we say in 10 minutes gentleman?"

Nisgeis and Fincuan snapped to attention and saluted before hurrying off below deck.

Jimbuna lit one of his rollies and stared out at the fog in the direction of the woods wondering to himself why he had this uneasy feeling that something wasn't quite right on the shore side. He turned to Raptor 1 his trusted Chief who had sailed with him since the beginning and said "It looks like I may need you to repair those engines in double quick time if my suspicions are correct Chief"

Raptor 1 replied "You can count on me Herr Buna"

He heard the noise of feet climbing up from within the boat and looked around to see the flack gunners making their way to their weapons.

A few minutes later Raptor 1 and Fincuan returned to give their report.

Raptor 1 "All the men are accounted for sir....apart from one"

Jimbuna "And whom might that be?"

Raptor 1 "Firewall sir"

Jimbuna thought for a moment then said "Right, secure the boat, make sure all hatches are locked tight" and to the flack crew "Lift the gangway and slacken the mooring lines, I want a stretch of water between the boat and the land"

Fincuan cleared his throat in what was an obvious effort to gain Jimbunas attention.

Fincuan "Sir......I did receive a report from our youngest crewman Task Force"

Jimbuna "Well"

Fincuan "He reported that A Very Super Market came aboard earlier whilst he was sleeping, and he swears he felt a slight tugging at his bed clothes. As he awoke he saw him leaving the accomodation area at a fast rate of knots"

Jimbuna "Make a note of it and get a statement from Task Force in the morning".

Jimbuna dismissed Nisgeis and Fincuan then turned to his trusted Chief and said in a hushed voice so that none of the flack gunners could overhear "This is all I need.....stuck with a sub that is immobilised in a Godforsaken place with one missing crewman ashore, a murdering maniac in the woods and a shirtlifter with a preference for young virginal sailors"

Raptor 1 smiled and said "These things happen Jimbo but only in the Wehmacht, never in the Kriegsmarine".

As the two of them started down the conning tower ladder Jimbuna looked back at the flack gunners before closing the hatch and said "Keep your eyes peeled men, anything unusual, wake me, your relief will be up in 4 hours....oh and keep an eye out for each others backs!!"
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
Oh my God, not again!!

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