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Old 02-03-09, 04:00 PM   #81
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Thomen
I am not saying you are wrong, Letum. And I do agree to a certain degree with you. All I am saying is: Why put them all in the same box and make no distinction between 'Monster' and 'Hero', so to say?
My argument does not require the presence of 'monsters' at all.
Even if every single German fought according to all the rules of war and rescued kittens
etc. my argument would still be the same.

This is because I am not saying that all Germans where good/bad/any other value.

I am saying that taking part in warfare is only ever honorable if the war can be
considered just and the method of warfare can be considered just. The former being
the most relevant here.

Those who fight in unjust wars or in unjust ways should never be honored.

Most of the time they should not be blamed either for the reasons you put froward
They should be respected, remembered and mourned as humans who dies tragically
and in vain.
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